How to Set Out-Of-Office Greetings

To set out-of-office greetings, follow the instructions below. For user with audio recording feature enabled, see this section.

Virtual Assistant Out-Of-Office Greeting Setup

1. In the admin portal, navigate to Assistant - Greetings. Then toggle Out-Of-Office to On.

2. Then, enter the Start Time and End Time for your out-of-office time period, and enter your Out-Of-Office greeting script. When the current time has passed the Start Time but has not yet reached the End Time, the Out-Of-Office greeting script will be read by the virtual assistant, in lieu of the in-office or after-hour greetings.

3. Press 'Save', which is located on the top right corner of the page. That's it! When the time comes for your next vacation, the out-of-office script will be activated automatically. When the out-of-office End Time has lapsed, the virtual assistant will revert back to using the regular greetings as before.

Audio Script Out-Of-Office Greeting Setup

Audio Script users will need to manually set the out-of-office greeting settings both before and after their vacation. The instructions are as followed:

1. When the time comes to activate the out-of-office greetings, you will be replacing your current audio script with a new one. So you may want to backup your current audio file so you can re-use it when your vacation is over. To back up your current audio file, click the download button and save the current greeting audio file to your computer.

2. Next, click the “delete” button to remove the audio file.

3. Now, you are ready to record your out-of-office greeting. I would suggest that you say your greetings using this format: “Calvin is out of office from July 1 to July 14…. (your other instructions). To learn about the service, Press 1. To check Calvin's availability when he returns to office, press 2. To hear these options again, press 0.

Notice I intentionally omit Menu Option 3 (Leave Voicemail) in my suggested voice greeting script. The reason is that you may not want people to leave you messages while you are away. Menu Option 3 is still active, it is just not read to the caller.

Also as a reminder, you would also want to block off your vacation time on your scheduler provider's web portal (for Acuity, click Availability - Block Off Time). This will allow our virtual assistant to pick up the accurate appointment availability information to read out to the caller.

4. Press 'Save', which is located on the top right corner of the page. That's it. You are all set to leave for your vacation. When you return, repeat Step 1 - 2. When you get to Step 3, now you have the option of recording a new “normal” greeting, or you can upload your previously downloaded “normal” greeting audio file so you don’t have to say and record the same script again.

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